Thursday, January 21, 2010

(Wo)Man's Best Friend...

My constant companion...
even if it means sunbathing in a fur coat.


I love him.
He completes me.


Mafe Molinari said...

Hi Natalie! I just stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year, I hope everything is well in your life...hugs

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

He looks quite adorable. Seems you are BOTH lucky!

Anonymous said...

My dog is a great dane, so could you imagine! I'm a native Floridian so enjoy that weather!

Debbie said...

That is so sweet!
And that room - I am green with envy!

Natalia said...

Hi Maria - Happy New Year! Everything is going well, thank you!

Linda - I agree...he's adorable! :)

Deanna - I've always wanted a Great Dane! One of these days...

Debbie - I wish it was a bit greener out there, this cold weather has done a job on our tropicals!

Thanks for stopping by,

Nat :)