Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Josh Hanoud!

Happy 30th Birthday!

Thank you for everything you do for us!

Enjoy your day! And your cake!

We LOVE you!!!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The 4 Hour Mini-Vacation...

As some of you might know, Josh and I run HernandoLuxuryHomes.com, and Josh is a Real Estate agent.  This tends to keep him VERY busy.  Much too busy to take an actual vacation very often.  Luckily, we've got the beautiful Clearwater Beach just a quick ride south of Spring Hill.  We stole away a few hours, and recharged our batteries...together...it was great!

Clearwater Beach, a Marina, and condos with a fantastic view beyond.

Side view of Pier 60, Cleawater Beach, FL...at night this pier comes alive with vendors and street performers.  It's an experience in and of itself.

Right out of the Gulf of Mexico, and over to Jimmy's waterside restaurant...

where we listened to reggae, enjoyed the view, and I sipped on a yummy tropical concoction or two.  Batteries are full...and we're right back at it!

How do you get away, when you can't have an actual get-away?

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