Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just a Few of the Many, Many Things I am Thankful For!

Mother's Day flowers from my baby.

Visits from nieces and their puppies.

Peaches from my peach tree.
And the peach jam they become...YUM!

I love this time of year, when I am reminded
to stop and take a moment to think about
everything I am so very thankful for.

I can't say it enough: I am a lucky girl!!!

Have you checked out my other blog?

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

A few photos from my October trip to Scotland & England

The UK is a beautiful place,
and once again I enjoyed
my time there immensely!

Where to buy fish.

Where to buy "veg".

Where to buy flowers.

The Scottish Highlands.

Where to catch your own fish.

Hope you had a fantastic Halloween.

I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving!

P.S. Want to see daily snapshots of my life here in Tampa Bay, Florida, or places I visit? Please visit my new blog: FL Home Blog daily snapshots I'd love to share them with you!