I needed a centerpiece for my kitchen table.
I was lucky enough to be gifted a beautiful
Amaryllis by a beautiful friend.
But she looked lonely out there on that big table all on her own.
(okay, so it's not so big, but it still looked lonely)
So, I remembered I had this lovely blue pot
sitting in my empty pot ghetto.
(Note glass missing from kitchen cupboard with a cactus in it sitting inside the blue pot.)

And also seemed to recall some Paper-whites
popping up in the front garden.
I noticed them for the first time last year
after yanking out all the over grown plumbago.
( It had become infested with skunk vine. Yick.)
A little poking around with my trowel...
a squeeze of bulbs into said little blue pot...
and we have:
Just the centerpiece I was looking for.
Um...I mean Pretty!
A bit of ribbon from the gift bag my friend
gave me the Amaryllis in was all
that was needed to finish it off.
Hope you're finding creative ways to
decorate for the holidays!